creating a GL3 object in QtJambi

I’m having some difficulty getting a GL3 context now that I’ve
switched to QtJambi. When casting my gl object to GL using getGL3, it
throws the error “ Not a GL3

This is my original code when I was using swing…
GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL3)
GLCapabilities glCaps = new GLCapabilities(profile)
GLPBuffer pbuffer =

  new DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser(),

  1, 1, null)

canvas = new GLCanvas(glCaps, new DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser(),
PanelGL.pbuffer.getContext(), null)

Switch to QtJambi, I have the following code:

GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile::GL3)
GLCapabilities glCaps =
factory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(profile)
ctx = factory.createExternalGLContext
gl = ctx.getGL.getGL3

This last line throws an error. I’ve seen this page
which solves the issue, but it’s passing something to a GLCanvas
constructor, which is swing. Is there an equivalent setup in QtJambi
to get me a GL3 object?


Don’t cast your object, rather call GLContext.getCurrentGL().getGL3() (as you already do). DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser does not depend on Swing:


import com.jogamp.opengl.impl.Debug;

Which build of JOGL 2 beta do you use?

So you’re saying GLContext.getCurrentGL().getGL3() provides different functionality than ctx.getGL.getGL3()? Should I not be using an external context then? I was hoping to eventually have the OpenGL context shared across multiple windows like I did with swing, but was trying to keep this simple for now. Are there any QtJambi examples out there that use a GL3 implementation?

I believe I’m using the latest nightly JOGL build. Here are the jars I’m using…

Adding GLContext.getCurrentGL().getGL3() at the end of my initializeGL function returns an error saying there’s not context current

Exception in thread "main" javax/media/opengl/ `getCurrentGL': No OpenGL context current on this thread (NativeException)

  public void initializeGL() {
    profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL3)
    glCaps =
    factory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(profile)
    ctx = factory.createExternalGLContext()
    gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL().getGL3()
    //gl = ctx.getGL.getGL3

No, JOGL 2 is rather there:
I have no example of use with both JOGL 2 and QtJambi. Personally I use JOGL 2 with Ardor3D and/or Eclipse RCP/SWT, I have found a good tutorial about it:

initializeGL() seems to be called when the OpenGL context is not current, it should be called in the init method of GLEventListener.

I’m not using a GLEventListener. I’m using a QGLWidget. I ended up having to call makeCurrent in the objects initializeGL call, which seemed to resolve the siutation. I added notes of how to do it (in JRuby) in a blog post (

Thank you very much for this tip ;D