Hiya all !
First off, great work on the JGT! It will definitely make browsing through the game show cases a lot easier!
I have a suggestion for a feature:
Why don’t you implement “labels”?
- It’s the new fashion. Many great sites do it, these days. Think flickr, gmail, …
- It’s easy for authors to link labels they feel are appropriate for their game. That means: low-maintenance for the site admins.
- Authors can create new labels, and the site would work without adjusting code. Again: low-maintenance.
- It’s multi-dimensional. You can have labels for …
- technology used (lwjgl, jogl, JME, …),
- game genre (puzzle, action, rpg, fps, …),
- license type (free (beer), free (speach), open source, shareware, commercial, gpl, …)
- installation technique (webstart, jar, applet, …)
- OS support (unix, linux, sun, wintel, mac, OSX, …)
- development stage (tech demo, prototype, beta, finished, …)
- There are tons of ways to navigate and search labels, but under the hood they all translate to very simple, logical queries
- most popular labels
- games per label
- games similar to this game (fuzzy search on a set of labels, I’m just dreaming here ;D)
- The technology is simple. You need a table called “label”, and an m-to-n linktable called “labelsforgames”, that’s all!