Create a space to submit and to launch Java webstartable games

Hiya all !

First off, great work on the JGT! It will definitely make browsing through the game show cases a lot easier!
I have a suggestion for a feature:

Why don’t you implement “labels”?

  • It’s the new fashion. Many great sites do it, these days. Think flickr, gmail, …
  • It’s easy for authors to link labels they feel are appropriate for their game. That means: low-maintenance for the site admins.
  • Authors can create new labels, and the site would work without adjusting code. Again: low-maintenance.
  • It’s multi-dimensional. You can have labels for …
    • technology used (lwjgl, jogl, JME, …),
    • game genre (puzzle, action, rpg, fps, …),
    • license type (free (beer), free (speach), open source, shareware, commercial, gpl, …)
    • installation technique (webstart, jar, applet, …)
    • OS support (unix, linux, sun, wintel, mac, OSX, …)
    • development stage (tech demo, prototype, beta, finished, …)
  • There are tons of ways to navigate and search labels, but under the hood they all translate to very simple, logical queries
    • most popular labels
    • games per label
    • games similar to this game (fuzzy search on a set of labels, I’m just dreaming here ;D)
  • The technology is simple. You need a table called “label”, and an m-to-n linktable called “labelsforgames”, that’s all!

Thank you, Christoph, Elijah and me will go on improving the JGT. Your suggestion is interesting. I may plan to implement it later but “labels” won’t replace some existent categories and the most important points:

  • games that are not supported on the 3 main families of operating system won’t appear in the main panel, maybe they will appear in a subsection of the incubator in order to discourage platform-dependent game developing, it will depend on the rules fixed in the JGTPAT (Java™ Game Tome Player Acceptance Tests)
  • a game that uses only the JDK works under Linux, Windows, Mac and some Unix (Solaris at least, HPUX, AIX…)
  • I already plan to add a way of showing if a game is open source or not
  • I’m not sure your suggestion will reduce the maintenance as we will control which “labels” are created to avoid non game-related labels and useless labels (labels that already exist in another form, concerning existent criteria)
    I appreciate suggestions related on new features but I don’t find enough time to implement lots of things that have already been planned for some weeks. Therefore, I ask everybody to be very very patient.

I was looking for it in the info page of the game.

Yes yes, don’t sweet it :wink:

It is just a sugestion.

Ok fine. Actually, it would be better to have a gallery of screenshot rather than one. I don’t know when I will implement this. I’m too much busy now.

Here’s one for JGT; Hunchy

Thank you very much, I’m going to add it tomorrow after some deeper tests. It works under Linux. I can’t test it under mac :s

Works fine under OS X :slight_smile:

Ok fine, thank you for testing. Here we go! ;D

Can you provide a screenshot Simon please? Would you like to add Taipei into the Tome too?

Here’s a screenshot;

Not sure about Taipei; it’s not really a game…

Hunchy has been added. Don’t forget to put your name as you’re the author I suppose, don’t you?

Can someone test the following games under Mac OS X?

System info: MacBook (Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X 10.5.3, Java 5.

Did the games work for you then?

All three run fine (see the quoted part of his post).

You’re right, I work too much, I’m tired, sorry.

Is it possible for HydroHydra to change screenshot from that stretched out image, to a real screenshot? :slight_smile:
I have a few here:

Thanks for adding 2 of my games btw. :slight_smile:

  • Scarzzurs

Your games are welcome at the Tome :slight_smile: . The images are scaled (200*200). You can update the screenshot by yourself by clicking on “Update Info”. Then, I will check that nothing is wrong and your update will be taken into account. Therefore, please provide images that won’t need to be scaled.

The game tome is looking good, but when are you goes going to redesign it? I think there are too many images on one page and it’s unclear what link goes with what.

Sorry to be so “direct” as I would say in French but when are you going to invest much time in the construction of the Java Game Tome? When are you going to implement at least a system to comment games as a first step before adding a complete fully functional forum? You only gave me a little help at the beginning and now you wake up. I think that your attitude is strange, unsuitable and improper.

Like you, I have been working on several projects, mainly TUER, some tutorials in French and the legal status of the Foundation, it requires a lot of time, especially the last one. If people wait for the new look and feel to add their games into the Tome, I won’t improve the L&F. I expect Java programmers to encourage the Tome by adding their games and THEN I will improve the look and feel.

Hey man, I never meant to be mean about it! I was just pointing out what should be adjusted next.

I fully admit that I have done little to nothing to aid the project. I have been gone camping for very long periods of time, and will be gone for another 21 days soon. I also have many things on my plate that are higher priority than the site.

But, if you want me to spend time designing the format and GUI of the site, I could do that this week. I would enjoy doing it, in fact. I don’t feel like dealing with any code, but I can create a site template, logo, and graphics that you can plug it into.