Converting a J2SE game into a J2ME game

Assuming someone had 5+ years experience with J2SE, and had a running, tile-based adventure game under J2SE (something along the lines of this:

How much time would you estimate it to take to convert said game into a J2ME game for PDAs? Does it make sense in the first place?

The game does not use any AWT or Swing GUI elements.

I am aware that any estimates will be very rough and probably off the mark by far. Still, I would be interested in opinions. I have no clue of J2ME, and am curious if it is worthwile to look at it; fearing at the same time a bottomless pit…

It does make sense. Usually the first problem to encounter is performance… You should experiment and try to write some simple game first to learn how to program properly to get out the most performance and also to learn how much space classes/images take. A game like that with a few levels and as much images/story as can be contained in 60 kb, perhaps a month or two (very roughly).

Thanks, darcone! Very useful information - I will give it a try, starting with a simple proof of principle.