Connect - MySQL Database Manager

I’m new to these forums but I have been working on this project for about two weeks. Its not ready for public release because it is still in VERY heavy development.
Connect will be free but not open source, it is intended for, but not limited to game databases.


Some Screenshots:

Login screen

Main menu with no database tables

Creating a new database table

What does private do?

What does public do?

Main menu with database table

Database table file (.DBT)

I’d say this is pretty secure

Thanks for taking the time to read this topic, if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me.
Follow Connect development as well as other things I am/will do at:

Looks funny, but what do you want to do with this? I go to phpmyadmin and… done!
Oh wait! Its a WIP project :smiley:
You did this in 2 weeks??? A JDBC connector and youre almost done :S

But man, the GUI is very cool, at last but not least :smiley:

Maybe it’s for easier use for people who don’t know how to work with phpMyAdmin…

How cant people work with phpadmin.
If you cant click on some basic gui items, you shoulndt be there anyways :slight_smile:

I have never worked with SQL, nor I have ever worked with databases, nor I have any (great) experience about web server stuff… you know that stuff with websites and IP and stuff…

But that UI look freakin’ cool :slight_smile:

People who just want to set up simple databases for small game servers.
In phpMyAdmin there are many menus and options you dont really need for those purposes…

Oh so its a simple client just for import / export?

It seems so.

No, this is a manager, once you get a database host you put your info into the new database box and you will be able to edit the database WITHOUT phpMyAdmin

Haha thanks, I just started work on a new UI and added a search feature, its going well :slight_smile:

Exactly, and I dont like how phpMyAdmin signs you out after a while, I find my self having to log back in over and over again. This is also a project for fun

I recently just started work with mysql and its pretty easy, I just dont like how complicated phpMyAdmin makes it look

phpMyAdmin makes MySQL look way harder then it actually is, scaring off most indie game developers. Connect will hopefully change that.

Pretty much :slight_smile:

I already have a JDBC connector set up and algorithms to retrieve data from the database and I don’t know how it looks funny but thanks for the complement :slight_smile:

New User Interface w/ Search Bar:

In what is it searching for what?

If you have a bunch of databases (most people usually won’t) but you can search for a database tables name and it will find it

I can honestly see some application here. You shouldn’t implement just another basic database manager - what I think would be really cool is if you added things like:

Template\Tools that allow you to easily model a common game server’s database designs. Hmm, but to be honest I don’t know too much about databases (I know the basics, SQL, I’ve interfaced with them dozens of times, but I’ve never actually read a book on how to design proper professional grade databases)

Haha same, to be honest I just started on this project for fun, but now I see that something like this is really needed in the indie game community. I probably will add some templates and a lot of other tools :slight_smile: Right now i’m working on the new user interface and it looks great! Soon everybody will be able to download and use connect alpha :slight_smile:

User Interface:

Lots of changes since last night, follow me on tumblr -, I post a lot more than I do on here! :slight_smile:

Still nice design.

Thanks, I’m working on the database template system tonight :slight_smile:

Looks like a UI designed for tablets and handheld devices. I think you should change some text color to white, because it is very hard to read black text on a dark gray background.

Holy shit, you’re 15! I’m 14 and I would never be able to come close to some of this stuff!

Following your Tumblr so please keep that updated, and I love the UI, great job!

Thanks man, and I will! :slight_smile:

I’m 14 and this stuff is way over my head, how long have you been programming in java? I’ve been going for about a year now.