Composing software?

What software are people using here to create audio effects for their games?

The kind of audio effects I’d like to create are for an RTS game, so they are mostly just effects:

  • Shooting a gun effect
  • Shooting a rocket effect
  • Ambient loops
  • Vocal effects, such as “Yes sir!”, “Moving out!”, “By your command!”. (I can of course record this myself, but I’d like to mix up the voice a bit).
  • And possibly some soundtrack loops.

So far I have recorded them myself. Or rather my brother with a good mic has been. But you have to do real Foley gig since many real sounds don’t work recorded. For example our rifles create terrible gun sounds. You can buy some foley type sound effects pretty cheep too.

The idea of a good mic here is one that is really directional and basically doesn’t pick much ambient sounds, so outside recording doesn’t sound like it after filtering.

For voice I wanted to use voice synth since modern voice synth is soo good. But i had problems getting the software to work. I may perhaps revert to voice recording without post effects.

FruityLoops and SimSynth for me. I don’t know what the various musicy types have used to make the music for our games but it’s a lot more involved :stuck_out_tongue:

Also found a lot of sounds from which I doctor and fiddle with.

Cas :slight_smile:

Some good tools listed here. Do add to it if you find more tools.

Audacity is a good tool if you want to post process your own samples. Sfxr is OK for simple sound effects, similar to SimSynth I guess.