Compiling the Linux-Plugin for JInput ...


i’ve downloaded the JInput from CVS and tried to compile it.
My problem is, that it doesn’t compile, because it can’t find the class “LinuxDeviceRumbler”.


		if(getFFEnabled()) {
			System.out.println("Java code thinks FF is enabled for device " + name);
			Rumbler[] tempRumblers = rumblers;
			rumblers = new Rumbler[rumblers.length+1];
			rumblers[rumblers.length-1] = new LinuxDeviceRumbler(nativeID);
			System.out.println("rumblers.length: " + rumblers.length);
			System.out.println("getRumblers().length: " + getRumblers().length);
		} else {
			System.out.println("Java code thinks FF is disabled for device " + name);

Could you please help me to solve this problem?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Soudsn like this has to do with Endolf’s recent rumbler work.
Im sure he’ll be able to help…

Oops my fault.

Added some other code too for cleanup type things.

The rumbler support is still broken, the device seems to get filled up still for some reason.
