Competition OPEN!

Alright you herds of nerds :slight_smile: The competition is open, let the games flow in!! ;D

I’m looking forward to seeing some impressive games!

The website to submit and view games:

Let me know if there are any problems! I’ll fix them asap.

[quote]URL to JNLP file
I was hoping to submit an Applet. Can I put the URL to my Applet page here?

Yes. Submit the game and I’ll take a look at it.

Half an hour early in my time zone… but hey. :slight_smile:
Good luck, everyone!

So sue me :slight_smile: Nah, a day too early is alright. I might not have time tomorrow… so better to do it today.

Me too, but not yet.
Do I just put the urls in there?

Possibly two. (Bre4king the Tower and Left 4k Dead)

You can launch applets via jnlp as well.

Here is some example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <homepage href=""/>
    <description>Drag the smoke into the blue box.</description>
    <description kind="short">Flow4k</description>
    <j2se version="1.4+"/>
    <jar href="Flow4k.jar"/>

Oh, awesome, thanks =D

Good solution oNyx! Thanks!

That is very cool! Java is so flexible!!!

Having said that, the whole reason I wanted to make it an Applet, was so people could just visit the web page and play the game straight away. No d/ling of a JNLP file, doesn’t add anything to your installed programs list (in Windows based PCs), no window pop-up, etc…

And having said that, if a JNLP file makes it easier for Appel, then I’ll go with the flow.