Judging reviews slightly delayed, until saturday. :point:
Judging reviews slightly delayed, until saturday.
Congratulations, zeerone ! The community was really unanimous to top your game. And this result is certainly well deserved,
as your Laser Pinball is such a technical achievement. Hope to see more of your games soon.
But so many good games this year… Voting was really hard.
Finally, he won, some would say ;D Congrats.
Commanding win zeroone! Well done and well deserved! …if you’re going to win, you might as well smash the competition! ;D
Well done zeroone! A slamming victory ;D
Congrats to zeroone.
and thanks for everyone who voted for my entry.
Congrats ZeroOne!
I’m glad you’re the one who reached the 1st place, given the huge number of awesome (Open Source*) games you made 8)
(*Your code actually helped me getting started with my own entry )
Great job zeroone. Maybe I’ll enter next year.
Congrats zeroone. Your pinball mechanics really were quite impressive.
Judging reviews delayed a bit more… I’ve had to work over the weekend, everyone in crunch mode because of a launch on monday, so haven’t had time.
Congrats! Well deserved. Interesting that this was probably one of the least “true” remake you made
The top handful of games were really good games, but clearly a very worthy winner 8)