Community Project Mark 562 - Collaboration Site

It appears we may be kicking off three projects at the moment, which afaic is absolutely brilliant :slight_smile: However, I’d hope we don’t split up too much and can share ideas and resource between the projects. With that in mind there’s a central SVN/Wiki etc that Mr_Light has sorted out for us:

Hopefully if we all use the same are and keep an eye on each other then we can make the most of what the community has to offer.

If you’re still interested lets get joined up. We’ll need to split the projects out as categories asap but after that we could start transferring anything concreteish from the forums to the wiki/tracker (ideas, concepts, team members, plans, estimates, tasks).



PS. I think to join you need to post your google account email address to Mr_Light. Mine is “kevglass at” if you can add me :slight_smile:

Added kev to the project owners list :slight_smile:

Thanks Mr_Light. ;D

hmm… it says that we need to contact the project owners to join the group… but i fail to see how one can send a message to them…

try sending me or kev a private message on this forum.

// edit

How other projects address this problem… no idea

The how to join page says they use the mailing list or mail the project owner directly.

Or, just post here :slight_smile:


All right, join request PM’d to Mr Light.

How do we know who’s in what project?

Can’t we be in all 3? I suggest a wiki page for each member and bi-directional links to any bits of each project that member has taken responsibility for.

ehm… they are using collaboration sites with mailing lists project roles etc…