As mentioned in my “Development Plan 1.0” and in Amos’ Plan for 2.0, a common Loader base for models and scenes was requested. Based on org.xith3d.loaders.models.base.* I ported the BSPLoader to the current xith codebase some time ago. Now I also ported the ASELoader to the common loader base. The new version of the loader is now also able to load Textures from an InputStream 8). The old version of the ASE loader forced you to create two classes (AseFile and AseReader) to use the loader. Now you only need one class (AseLoader) to load AseModels or AseScenes. It works just great. I would love to see someone check the new loader, if everything works fine except on my machine ;).
I suggest, that we port all the currently available loaders to the loader base. And we should remove the old versions and provide a jar file (with source) on xith.org in the download section containing the “legacy” loaders. This will preserve the API backwards compatiblity and we don’t need to hold them all in the SVN codebase.
The Cal3DLoader is quite young, so I think it doesn’t need to be cept in the legacy jar and can be ported without leaving a legacy version.
What do you think?