Commandos Franchise & Graphics

  1. I was just curious how initial games of the Commandos franchise were created. The likes of Behind Enemy Lines & Beyond the call of duty. Just wondering which game engine/framework was used and how animation was performed in the maps like streams of flowing water and footsteps on the snow etc.
    Did some googling on this but not able to find any satisfactory answer.

  2. Can anyone also please guide me to the top 3 websites offering good quality game graphics and sprites for free?
    I did googling on that but need expert opinion as well.

Thank you in Advance.

[quote]Commandos franchise were created
The same guy who made a html5 clone of the first c&c game also made a html5 clone of the first commandos game:

The demo is not online anymore, but he wrote an article on the development of his clone, you could even contact him. He won’t share any source code or assets though since he has been getting flak from the original developer for it.

The graphics are nothing special, it has all been done in many other games before, textures + simple shaders.
Animating tiles, blending tiles, shader programming and whatever is covered in many many many tutorials, the problem is that you cannot start there, begin with the basics and work your way up, it’s a lot of work to fully get into.

The underlying game mechanics/objects/navigation are in 3d i guess.

You can do all that with LibGDX, which you are already using, you just need to start learning some low level stuff, you won’t get there with just image.draw(x,y).

[quote]top 3 websites offering good quality game graphics
My expert opinion is keep googling :stuck_out_tongue: there is no one size fits all site. CGTextures is a good site for high quality base textures. You can also steal stuff from other games as long as you keep it to yourself, meaning only for prototyping as a placeholder.

The same guy who made a html5 clone of the first c&c game also made a html5 clone of the first commandos game:

The demo is not online anymore, but he wrote an article on the development of his clone, you could even contact him. He won’t share any source code or assets though since he has been getting flak from the original developer for it.

The graphics are nothing special, it has all been done in many other games before, textures + simple shaders.
Animating tiles, blending tiles, shader programming and whatever is covered in many many many tutorials, the problem is that you cannot start there, begin with the basics and work your way up, it’s a lot of work to fully get into.

The underlying game mechanics/objects/navigation are in 3d i guess.

You can do all that with LibGDX, which you are already using, you just need to start learning some low level stuff, you won’t get there with just image.draw(x,y).

[quote]top 3 websites offering good quality game graphics
My expert opinion is keep googling :stuck_out_tongue: there is no one size fits all site. CGTextures is a good site for high quality base textures. You can also steal stuff from other games as long as you keep it to yourself, meaning only for prototyping as a placeholder.
Thank you for the info about Commandos. I actually was intrigued to see work of aditya that made me ask this query.
About graphics, I actually want to use them commercially so that’s why looking for good free resources.
I am trying my hands on Inkscape as well but I doubt I will get goof in it anytime soon :smiley:

You can view the sourve for the C&C game, really neat project. He probably should have asked for permission before using the graphics for the game that was taken down.