Collision through an array

I have a basic array list that adds bullets to it once clicked. I’m trying to create a new Rectangle as well that keeps its’ position, but it returns 0.0.

For an example I have this.

stuff.add(new thingy(somethingCool));

I need a rectangle to be at

somethingCool.x & somethingCool.y

. I hope this is enough code for an answer.

You need a rectangle where each bullet is? Just have a rectangle field in the bullet class.

Found that out right after I posted, my bad. While I got you here, does a WIP have to be really worked on? If my game has been worked on for about 2 weeks and has stale gameplay (that I will improve), would it be a bad idea to share it?

Look at the stickied rules post and some of the threads and decide if your project meets the criteria.