Collision and gravity

Hello. I was thinking how to fix one problem with collisions and gravity. Here is how my code looks:

	yVelocity -= Scene.GRAVITY * delta;
	position.y += yVelocity * delta;
falling = true;
for(Model m : scene.getModels()){
	CollisionModel cm = m.getCollisionModel();
	if(cm != null){
		if(cm.checkSphereCollision(position, playerRadius)){
			falling = false;
			yVelocity = 0.0f;

So now if I would fall on ground it would be okay, but if I jump and walk to the wall it sets falling = false and it doesn’t falls anymore. Should I check whether colliding plane is ground or wall by checking it’s normal vector or there is any other way to solve this problem? Here is a video of how it looks: