Clickrisk 4k

First attempt at making something for a contest, ever. Any contest, not just programming :slight_smile:
Seems a lot of people are posting both here and in the official thread, so I’m linking to the site that contains my post in that thread:

Didn’t know what to post, but here goes:

Jar file:


My score: 5251!

I like the game, great idea! I recommend checking out some of the other games’ strategies for keeping speed constant as it’s rather jerky.

Alright, thanks :slight_smile:
My high-score is around 6000, btw :wink:
Thinking of lowering the overall speed of the balls and decreasing the frame sleep to increase overall performance and encouraging longer games… It shouldn’t be very much work for the computer anyway.

Are you allowed to name-tag the games, btw? Saw some other 4k contest where you weren’t allowed to do that… have some extra space, thinking of putting my name on the game :>

Couldn’t see a no-bounce-rule (tried looking for one, though), so here goes. I’d very much appreciate any critiques, bad ones as well, since this is my first ever competition entry :slight_smile:

Cool game - I especially like the look. Feels like being in a 50ies scifi B movie, looking through a microscope and micromanipulating blob percursor cells to prevent them from escaping to the outside world - oh my god, it’s too late…!

And I thought there was no way somebody could make up a story for this kind of game - thanks, man :wink: