Hello there.
I am trying to get the hang of creating a retro-looking screen for a game I am making. Here is a screenshot:
What I have done is add one 30th of the y coordinates distance to the center y coordinate to x; per pixel of course (these are shaders!).
But I have come across a problem: the shader only seems to be effecting the pixels with a texture bound to them. See the next picture where the view is slightly off of the map:
Correct me if I am wrong; shaders do not effect pixels that are cleared onto the screen every render call. So I could make a background image for the game; but that seems a tad messy, and I wanted to know if there was another way.
So, I want my shader to effect backgrounds; or I could go with another option: use the vertex shader to ‘squeese’ the screen in on itself for a CRT effect. This should solve my problems?
Which do you think I should use?