Check it out!

Don’t be shy, guys, slashdot has noticed your games!

congrats to all 4K devs! :slight_smile:

Nice. :smiley:

Great, now we’ll get more competition ::slight_smile:

great, now we are going to get trolled ;D

Woha! I’m rich! RICH I TELLS YA!

Too bad that the page is offline right now :-\

Yeah I also noticed it while visiting to check out how many that have tried my game so far.

yeah my host is down big time right now, switching over to another one (probably will host myself)

until then, sorry for the downtime :stuck_out_tongue:

just saw that the competition was also reported on the front page.

It’s not just LinuxEMU. The news is popping up all over the place. Several news sites, half a dozen blogs, etc. One guy even did a quick “Pacman” in 4K to settle a bet with his friend. (Needs work, I’m afraid.) Seems we generated enough attention last year that everyone is spreading the news this year. :slight_smile: