chat room :P

would be neat if there was a little iframe on the side, that people could open.
to run a little chat room applet. that uses that JGO name.

something that needs to be clicked on, to be revealed, as would make the page look like a mess, aspecially for new comers.

an iframe aligned along the right that is 10pixels wide (with an arrow exand icon), when clicked expands to 120 pixels wide, and loads an applet.

not really important at all, more of a toy.

So on each page load, you’d leave/enter the chat room?

not really, as long as page changes use “_self” instead of “_top” like linking.
and each section(chat applet/jgo forum) is in its own iframe.

also, id be happy to program it.

In order not to change any forum implementation.

it might be best to use a different URL something like:

with a simple page to open the default ( index in a frame
and a side frame for the chat url holding the applet.

There is #lwjgl @ freenode, by the way.

but thats not JGO ;), which I think is what bobjob is after

alot of the active JGO ppl hang out in #lwjgl and its pretty much the best java gaming related irc channel anyway. You can pretty much get help for any java problem there and its not just limited to the LWJGL and Slick2D.

However there is always #javagaming on freenode but thats pretty dead compared to #lwjgl.

Other active irc channels include #jme (jmonkey engine) or #ardor3d

As far as I am concerned, it is.

yeah I already know about the IRC channels.

I know that they can be useful. I have given them a good try.
Alot of people are logged in, yet not active in the channel. Not saying I got problem with observers, or any of it for that matter.
but yeah just not my thing.

I guess Im just looking for a good time :stuck_out_tongue:

You are new to IRC huh? Activity is completely random.

new to LWJGL Channel? or IRC as a whole?
Either way… Im familiar with how IRC Channels work and I also used LWJGL one for a decent period years ago.

I was just sharing, its not for me.

if you look at Gamejolt they have a small chat on the bottom of the page that pops up, im assuming using JQuery, and then slides back down so people can choose to open it or close it whenever. It is pretty cool for just basic chatting, but most of the time gets filled with annoying people. Although I am sure it wouldn’t be bad here as the maturity levels are different.

yeah, and it helps that this is a developing place, not a gaming site

I’ve tried but never gotten into IRC, so I second the idea of having a JOGL chat room.

I wanted to test if a frame idea would work well with JGO

this is what I got:

very simple code
the source is:


<META NAME="description" CONTENT="">
<style type="text/css"> 
body { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; scrolling=none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px}
<iframe  allowtransparency="true" src="" scrolling=auto frameborder="no" border=0 width="100%" height="70%" marginleft=0 margintop=0 marginright=0 marginbottom=0></iframe>
<iframe border=0 scrolling=no frameborder="no" src ="" width="100%" height="30%" marginleft=0 margintop=0 marginright=0 marginbottom=0 ></iframe>

This style of webpage could not only be used as a frame for a chat applet.
If you want to get a little bit more hard core it could be used as a 1 at a time applet display page. for the showcase section.
as long as a query string is passed to it, you could set up all custom params, main class, etc…

That said, if it was going to be used as a chat applet, the challenge would be passing the JGO user names to the applet on load.

Edit: added changes to include JavaGaming chat

No Color Tags In HTML
Have2Chat Starting...
No Port tag in HTML
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
	at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
	at client.b.d.a(Unknown Source)
	at client.b.d.<init>(Unknown Source)
	at client.b.a.a(Unknown Source)
	at client.b.a.d(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
Error detecting webcam

Other than that, I wonder why you picked voice chat, for a programmer forum… :-X

you must have clicked on the wrong link, one of ones in my sig.

full address:

Actually, I clicked them both, as the /jgo/ applet was so slow: it took 30sec to even start downloading the jar. The System.out got probably interleaved. Sorry.

I can’t see the dynamic of a chat on this web site being any different from IRC. In that a lot of people are “online” but not available to chat. then all at once every is a online and available to chat. #lwjgl is pretty active really.

Not really for or against, but I don’t see how that side of things would be any different. If it is done then something without applets would be better. ie something like google mail chat would be more reliable across platforms and browsers.

I’d much rather see a HTML chat room then via a Java applet.