[Charity][Due to Sunday] Noble Santa

Hey guys,
Here in Poland we have a charity organization called “Noble Pack”. Basically, schools (classes, to be exact) from all around the country select a poor family in their town, and they collect things that they need. Our class hosts a fair from which the money obtained goes to the family. Im making a platformer game, involving santa, and this is where i need your help. I’ve got the graphics done, starting on code, but i still need music.
The fair starts at sunday. Can you help me by making some christmas (chiptune ? ) music?
-Menu (catchy, very christmasy)
-Game (candy’ish, night, faster tempo)
-Boss (intense, just a little bit frightening, should still have some christmas details)

It really can be anything as long as i can distribute it (10PLN for a disc).
Also, i need help with some other things:
-(Startable from disk) installer which installs the game and checks if you have java installed (but wait, i can bundle java with the .jar file, right?)
-Making a .exe starter file for starting the game.


While I can’t help with the music, I suggest you download Launch4J to create your executable/jvm bundle. There’s a set of instructions here that should get you started.

Instead of performing the “bonus step” from those instructions, grab a copy of Inno Setup, and use that to create a self contained Windows installer. It looks a little intimidating at first, but unless you have to use advanced features such as creating registry keys and such (you probably won’t have to), it’s a fairly straightforward process. The site has plenty of information to assist with most common tasks that you’re most likely to perform.

Both tools are free, and I can say from experience that both work well for the type of deployment you want. 8)

Thanks! I checked the links you provided me and think i get it :slight_smile: I will try it out once i finish the game. Also, can you tell if Launch4j will work with LibGDX?

As far as I know, there should be no issues with using LibGDX and Launch4J together. You’ll just have to make sure to copy the needed files (natives and libs) to the output directory where your .exe file is created.

I just did a quick test with a Slick2D based application and it went without a hitch. Once you have everything working from the output directory, it’s just a matter of using Inno Setup to package the contents of the directory into an installer. If you run into problems, feel free to post the issue in the thread, or send me a PM and we’ll try to get you over the hump. :slight_smile:

Ok, the game is finished, but when i try to create a exe with Launch4J, it spits out at the end “ExecException: Exec failed (139)”. Im hopeless :c

Launch4J spits out that error, or the .exe does when you double click on it? If you want, I can shoot you my email address and have you send me the files and I can try to create the .exe on my end. I can do a quick turnaround since your deadline is looming.

Ok, heres a quick demo jar : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4zq61CeB97nMGVCMGdFREdQUEU/view?usp=sharing
Try converting this on your computer and tell me if it opens up.
Its a runnable jar file with all the libraries packed in it.
I still have to do the GUI, level select and levels themselves :C No sleep for me today…
Btw: im on a mac
EDIT: i cant express how thankful i am for your help with this project

Worked a treat on my end. It will take a few to upload to my host. The size comes out to ~56mb once you include the bundled JRE. I’ll post the DL link once it’s uploaded. 8)

Will you be online in exactly 3 hours? I will send you the finished game then so you can convert it. You are my last hope, here in poland its 2 AM and no one is online :confused:
I post the game here with pictures of the cd later :slight_smile:

Sure, 3 hours from now for me is about 11:00pm. I tend to be a night owl, so just post here when you’re ready, and we’ll get you set. You need me to create an installer package as well, or are you good to go on that? Either way, let me know and we’ll go from there. :slight_smile:

If you could make the installer too, it would be awesome. I will include a icon and a info.txt file regarding .exe file error texts, installer text etc. (it needs to be in Polish).
And again, thank you ;D

Sounds like a plan. Always happy to help, especially when it’s for a good cause. :slight_smile:

Gimme 30 minutes, i need to make some more levels. Should i pm you or e-mail?

No worries. Go ahead and email me. I just sent you a PM with the address. 8)

Cmon man, reply :c LIIVE

Crazy. How did this work out? ;D