Change Resolution Screen

How to change the resolution of the screen of the cellular one so that the black bars to sides do not appear if he is smaller of its native resolution?

J have tried with… method of class

GameCanvas.sizeChanged(int w,int h)

but the black bars remain… :frowning:

thanks to All.

The two options to get a full screens Canvas are:

  1. Use a GameCanvas and the setFullScreenMode() method. (MIDP 2.0 only)
  2. Use a proprietary class like Nokia’s FullCanvas if there is one available for the platform.

On some phones you can never get complete fullscreen though, like Motorola’s that always display the battery and signal indicators on the top of the screen.


and for clarification, Canvas.sizeChanged(int w,int h) is a call-back method used to notify a Canvas when it changes size (as a result of calling setFullscreenMode() for instance.)

perhaps my problem beyond obtaining the entire screen is explained me badly but is to change the resolution…

but calling the method of

I obtain always the old values and not the new.
What is the solution ?

Thanks to All…
P.s (excuse-me for my bad english)

