Caromble! revolutionizing an old genre. Chapter 3 now on Steam Early Access!

After 1 year on Steam Early Access and after more than 7 years of development already, We just released Chapter 3 of Caromble! Just 3 more chapters to go.
Caromble! is created in our self-made Java engine.

Besides many bugfixes and performance optimizations, there is a lot of added content and a new Arkatron (Caromble!’s special power-ups): The Cannon!

We’ve also added a prologue level where a bit of story is unfolded.

And a time-trial skill level ‘Race’:

The time it took us to come to this major update was longer than we hoped. We really didn’t sit still and have added, improved and fixed a lot. In retrospect we have fixed too much for a single update. In the future we will consider doing more updates and not only when we have finished a full chapter of content.

Unfortunately development doesn’t go as quickly as we want, but this is due to the fact we work on Caromble! only on Fridays and use the other days for our ‘real’ jobs.

We’re eager to hear what you think of how Caromble! looks. We intend to make the brick breaker you’ve always dreamed of!

Stunning visuals, that’s all I’ve got to say. What amazes me even more is that you guys created the engine yourselves…in Java. Watch out, Java haters!

This is awesome!

I know a lot of people who are obsessed with Candy Crush, BeJeweled, etc that would love this game. I think its pretty cool and an appropriate time was spent on graphics development. Appreciated for sure!


It’s a bit wrong. As far as I know, Caromble uses a fork of the legacy Ardor3D (they rewrote an important part of the rendering pipeline to make it work with OpenGL 3), not an engine 100% written from scratch: 2013

[quote]While we wrote all engine code ourselves, we do use Ardor3D (in combination with LWJGL) for graphics and JBullet for physics (love them both).
[/quote] 2015

[quote]Caromble! is written in our own Java-based game engine. It relies on JBullet and a heavily modified version of Ardor3D.