Can my AWT project be done with J2ME ??


here is a link to my game project :

i think that i will go to converting my AWT project to MIDP… ;D

i found the - and site seems to hold very nice code skeletons and tutorials about Java and MIDP…
“How to create a Maze game in J2ME” and “How to write your First MIDP game” were very nice and they helped me a lot but still need some help…

what i now need to learn is from my AWT project, is there any fast way to draw those lines and missiles to MIDP canvas,
i made my AWT missiles and fires with bufferedimage rasters and i need to know how to make fast pixels with MIDP, thanks…

[edit] do i need to go to 3D to get to quads ??
[edit] about how much memory a typical phone game can take??


JariTapio / Helsinki

Straight porting will not work.
Although MIDP2.0 offers some really nice features, if you are going for device coverage, stick to MIDP1.0.
If not, use MIDP2.0 :wink:

to answer your question:
drawline, fillrect… ect. are the simplest forms of drawing.

Avoid 3d! it is not as good as one presumes (the 3d looks fine but the screen displays define how it looks and image playing Quake on a 240*320 resolution)

Memory depends on device. REALLY depends.
Check out the device listing on J2ME Polish.
Also if it says ‘dynamic’, write a quick midlet and test it yourself.

I did that the other way around.

Completed the game in MIDP1.0 and refactored the graphics calls to AWT.

It’s not so dificult, now the games use the same codebase (game objects, logic) but the implemention of the screen objects are plataform dependent.

java.awt.Frame -> javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet + javax.microedition.lcdui.Display

java.awt.Canvas -> javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas

java.awt.Graphics -> javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics

There are some functions that change but there should not be problem in the porting process.