Hi guys. I’m not sure this is the right topic to post this, if not, please forgive me.
I started to learn LWJGL and found that not mutch good book or tutorial is available on the net. Yes, I’ve found the github book and lots of other, very beginner tutorials.
My question is that, am I correct, that LWJGL is almost OpenGL, “just” has a wrapper on top of it? Is that correct?
If so, would it be a good idea if I buy an OpenGL book from the Amazon? Because there is no LWJGL book and I have lot of spare time on public transport, and like read books while travelling then try it myself alone on my pc. Also, I like to work offline.
My experiences: 15 years web developing, 4 years Java developing (business), 3-4 month Unity developing.
Before you ask why I don’t continue with Unity: actually I like it, but C#, MonoDevelop and VS are not my genre. Also, I advanced too fast, didn’t understand the basics and I wasnt forced to. And, I also have to keep up2date my java knowledge somehow. So please, don’t offtopic it.
Thank you!