Caldera Games is looking for a 2D ANIMATOR


We are looking for a 2D Animator (experienced or not, but talented) to join the team of Caldera Games. We are currently three members, a 2D artist, a programmer and a musician.
We are working on a game called Pantless Hero, the development is going well but unfortunately our 2D artist is not good enough in animation (neither enjoy doing animation).
So we are searching for someone to fill up this function, you would have to follow the lead of our 2D artist Yukishi (he does the concept arts, the tile sets…etc) and animate all the sprites he produces (and improve the current animated sprites).
We develop the game without any kind of funding so there will be no income until the game starts selling. (shared profit)
We’d rather like someone interested to join us for a long term as a member of the team, if you are interested you can contact us through email and we will set up a meeting, all the information are here:

If you have any questions don’t hesitate!

Here is a list of similar posts I found just by using the word “team” in the forum search box. I’m sure you could find more if you tried. These might be a good place to start looking for collaborators:

You also might have better luck if you post your qualifications. What teams have you organized and led in the past? Do you have a portfolio of completed projects we can check out?

Also, try to understand that we see this kind of post pretty often- people asking us to work for free on their personal projects. Keep in mind that most people who have the kinds of skills you’re looking for probably either have their own personal projects to work on, or are getting paid for their services. That’s not to discourage you, but to suggest that you might have better luck if you set yourself apart: ask yourself “why would somebody want to work for me for free?”, because that’s what any potential “employees” will be asking themselves when they see your “offer”.

KevinWorkman: I don’t think your template post works here. They do have a project posted on this very forum, which he links to in his post. And he also has a team organized that he has shown on this very forum.

I totally agree with you.
My only 2cents to Hanksha is that this is a programming forum, that means he won’t probably get any artists interested, not here.

Thanks for answering in my stead! That’s pretty much it.
Though I’ll add that it is not working for free, as I said we are searching for a new member for the team more than a contract for a single task, so we’ll share the incomes once there is.

You’re surely right, but since I like the java-gaming community I tried it here too.

My only point was that we see these kinds of posts all the time, and they hardly ever go anywhere. I’ve been trying to link between these posts to encourage people seeking collaborators to contact each other directly, since I think they’ll have better luck than waiting for people to come to them.

People with the kinds of skills these posts are generally looking for will either have their own personal projects that they’re working on, or they’ll be getting paid to work on somebody else’s project.

I think a lot of novices can get really excited about the idea of managing a team, but the reality is that good teams rarely come together to work on your personal project for free, and in fact adding team members probably won’t make your life any easier- especially since the types of people who work for free probably don’t have a ton of skills to start with, and the types of people who ask you to work for free probably haven’t ever managed a real team.

I’m not saying this to be discouraging, but to hopefully help people understand the difficulties in these types of hopeful posts. And maybe by linking between them they’ll have better luck finding like-minded individuals.

See also:

This team has more promise than any I’ve seen here. If I was any good at pixel art I would totally help out.

Plus @KevinWorkman I’m sure you don’t mean to be discouraging, but it’s a bit mean that you post that on every post like this.

I don’t disagree with you. This is why the team might have better luck if they seek out some of the people who have already expressed an interest in joining a team, which is why I’m pointing out the search feature.

I don’t mean to be mean. You and I might see every post like this, but most people who post these kinds of “come work for free” posts don’t. I’m simply trying to point out how often we see these posts, as well as the search feature which might help them find other people looking for a team.

If this comes off as mean, I guess I’ll stop, but I figured it was better than letting them go ignored and/or criticized.

We do search also on other post and websites, we are maximizing our chances here. After all we found our musician/sound designer like this with just a sentence in our presentation topics, and I’m glad we did because he’s doing a great job.

The profile we are looking for here is not a senior animator that worked on a ton of project, but rather like us. I still have 2 years before graduating, and meanwhile I work on contract like website/consultant/tutoring…etc to earn enough money to keep on developing that game. I think there is a lot of person in that case and who want to join a team to build something for the future.

Well, either way- I wish you the best of luck!

If you’re on twitter, you might consider sending McFunkypants (the guy behind one game a month) a tweet telling him you’re looking for an artist. He might retweet it to his people, many of whom are artists and aspiring gamedevs. I recently hired an artist this way, and I was pretty happy with the results.

Ok I’ll try that, thanks for the info.