Cal3D loader

I’ve noticed, that you’ve added your Cal3D loader, Amos. Certainly it is great work. But what about a test class? And what about integrating it into the common loader system in org.xith3d.loaders.base? The new base Scene and Model classes extend BranchGroup respectively TransformGroup, similary to the Cal3DNode, which extends Group.

Yeah I’m gonna do that but first I’ll include some classes I use in my game which permits to :

  • Load .OBJ animations as exported by Blender and convert them to a homemade “AnimatedModel” class
  • Convert Cal3D loaded models to “AnimatedModel” by computing vertices and UV at regular time intervals (so you can use display lists in-game, which boosts FPS a great deal, at the cost of (really slightly) longer loading time

When I include them into the CVS I’ll documentate them (package.html file + javadoc + code example).

Cool. :slight_smile:

And what about the loader base?

Cool++ Very interested…

Note : the Cal3D loader will be very implied in W3G (Writing 3D Games book, for those not following the forum ^^). I plan to make an exercise which goal is to write a mario-like (of course it’s all progressive so in previous exercises you would have to write a level editor and so on). But I think one of the final exercises of W3G would be to write a correct Quake3 movement with the BSP loader.

Please provide proper references to initial author Dave Lloyd and the header of BSD lisence to source files. keep up the good work.

Yeah you’re right sorry, doing that now.

Committed. Check org.xith3d.loaders.precomputed