Bugs in "com.sun.opengl.cg" package

Cg and CgFX are my favorite tools for shaders. However, i’ve just started to use the package com.sun.opengl.cg and there are bugs everywhere! :(. Does anyone else have this problem?

i never used the cg package before, but if you find a bug in jogl and post a detailed bugreport and testcase here, it will probably be fixed very quickly.

hello, hanks for the reply. Well, this is the most common bug I find:

(0) : fatal error C9999: *** exception during compilation ***
Cg compiler terminated due to fatal error
Java Result: 15

The wear is when it happens. I run the applet, I modify some parameters and the drawing is correct. But after a secons of playing I get that error. Why the compiler is being called?. This is the link to download the NetBeans project from my 4Shared account:


Also I’ve been having some segmentation faults. If I add this lines of code at the beginning of the SimpleJOGL demo, I get a “Java Error 139”(but i do’nt see this error since I installed Cg2.0)

		contextoCg = CgGL.cgCreateContext();
		efecto = CgGL.cgCreateEffectFromFile(contextoCg, "CelShading.cgfx", null);
		tecnica = CgGL.cgGetFirstTechnique(efecto);
		parametro = CgGL.cgGetFirstEffectParameter(efecto);
		if(efecto != null){
			System.out.println("Se cargo el efecto");
		}else {
			System.out.println("No se  encontro el efecto, se continua con la aplicación");
		int j=0;
		String parameterName;
		int parameterClassType;
		String parameterTypeName;
		while( parametro!=null){
			parameterTypeName = "Unknown";
			parameterName = CgGL.cgGetParameterName( parametro);
			System.out.println("Parametro nº "+j+" conocido como: "+parameterName );
			parameterClassType = CgGL.cgGetParameterClass(parametro); 
			switch( parameterClassType){
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_SCALAR : parameterTypeName = "Escalar"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_VECTOR: parameterTypeName = "Vector"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_MATRIX : parameterTypeName = "Matriz"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_STRUCT : parameterTypeName = "Estructura"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_ARRAY : parameterTypeName = "Arreglo"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_SAMPLER : parameterTypeName = "Sampler"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_OBJECT : parameterTypeName = "Objeto"; break;
			case CgGL.CG_PARAMETERCLASS_UNKNOWN : parameterTypeName = "Desconocido"; break;
			default: parameterTypeName = "WEAR!";
			System.out.println("El parametro es de clase: "+parameterTypeName);
			parametro = CgGL.cgGetNextParameter(parametro);
		int tecnicas =0;
		int pases = 0;
		String techniqueName, passName;
		while(tecnica != null){
			techniqueName = CgGL.cgGetTechniqueName(tecnica);
			System.out.println("Tecnica nº "+tecnicas+" conocida como: "+techniqueName );
			 pase = CgGL.cgGetFirstPass(tecnica);
				passName = CgGL.cgGetPassName(pase);
				System.out.println("Pase nº "+pases+" en técnica " +techniqueName+ " se llama: " +passName );
				pase = CgGL.cgGetNextPass(pase); 
			tecnica = CgGL.cgGetNextTechnique(tecnica);


I just try my application on a Windows mahcine and I dont see more errors.