Hi everybody, I thought this game deserved a different topic from bubbleracer4k, since they will become more and more different as time goes by…
So, those interested in real time raytracing can now test a preview of bubbleracer2005 here : http://www.vlsolutions.com/free/bubbleracer2005/bubble2005.jnlp
EDIT : this link runs 2.5 times faster on my PC http://www.vlsolutions.com/free/bubbleracer2005/bubble2005_servervm.jnlp (it uses the server vm, but hangs if not found in the JRE)
current differences compared to br4k :
- ground texturing (key switch is ‘t’)
- multi resolution (key is ‘r’)
- full screen exclusive ( 640x480, 32bits, 60 Hz only… will update it later if vertical frequency is a problem).
- shadows, reflections
I’m currently thinking about the following evolutions :
- dual player game (collect the bubbles before your partner)
- bouncing and jumping to reach soap bubbles (refraction is implemented)
- burst mode for ultra-fast speed
… and more levels
And if someone is interested, I’ll publish the source code (which is not something I’m proud of - I have written code before thinking of it ).
I’m waiting for your remarks (and your framerate).