Brian Hook on indie games business etc

It’s not a good interview (short on detail) but it has a few starting points that you might find interesting, especially w.r.t Brian’s moves into indie dev in the last 3 years. E.g.

"jvm: About the RealArcade and GameHouse distribution systems, have there been any lessons there? What advantages and disadvantages have you seen for each of those?

Hook: The lesson learned here is that distribution is king. By partnering with high traffic Web sites, we can get WAY more downloads and purchases than if we tried to raise awareness on our own. The downside, of course, is that this exposure isn't free, so we don't keep as much per copy, but at least we sell a lot of copies. "

…which is a complete non-answer IMHO :slight_smile: but you might find it worth reading.

Nice one, thanks for the URL.

Btw I agree with you that your quoted answer of Mr. Hook doesn’t say yes or no. :wink:

His statement [quote]"how big is the Linux games market, really?"I think it’s much bigger than people realize
I liked much.

My favourite of course is his sentence: quote a game is more than just code. In fact, I’d argue that very little of the parts that make a game good are the code itself, but instead its the content and design.