Here it is. I’ve finally completed a Java game 100%. Finally posted a game on JGF too. ;D I’ve been programming Java for a while now, but the only thing I’ve ever created was tests and such. But I finally thought to myself, “Wait… I know enough to make a complete Java game now.”
So here it is. It’s called Breakout Xtreme. It’s a breakout clone, but not exactly like most other clones. Here are some screenshots:
Playing singleplayer on level 1.
Playing singleplayer on level 3.
Playing versus the AI on level 1.
Playing versus the AI on level 4.
The game has 15 levels. 10 singleplayer levels and 5 versus (against the AI) levels. It also has 5 special power ups (Dual-Shot Bullets, Big Paddle, Triple Balls, Stick Paddle, and Nuke).
Download it here:
Open BreakoutXtreme.jar to play.
Have fun! And please post comments, suggestions, and bugs. I’ve tested it a lot, so hopefully there shouldn’t be too many bugs (if any). I’ve only tested it on my Windows box at a smooth 40 FPS, 60 was too fast so I set it at 40. So here are the specs that it was tested with:
Windows XP SP2
Java Version 1.4.0_06 and 1.6
nVidia GeForce 7600 GT 256MB