Bounce 2 the End

Alright, so I haven’t been too active around here but I have been working on a submission to Javak4k. I originally found this forum and competition last year but I was too late to join so here I am this year.

This whole game is basically using physics to get your box to bounce the orange box into the circular goal. You must do this while staying under or at a certain par.


  • Rendering
  • Level Loading
  • Collision (I believe)

To Do:

  • Fix physics
  • Add in an easter egg :slight_smile:
  • Finish making levels

Any comments or questions are welcome :slight_smile:

Hi, do you have a link to the game already?
Else, it looks interesting.

Alright, after coding into the night (and having school tomorrow :P) I was finally able to put together a working demo of the game in its current state with 6 levels to play with that sample most of the concepts.

Enjoy, and let me know of any bugs or suggestions you may have :slight_smile:

Runs too fast to really see what’s going. You should probably limit updates per second :stuck_out_tongue: Also my balls(squares?) sometime flew outside the window and I couldn’t finish the level. Otherwise promising looking game :slight_smile:

Simple 2d graphics, meet my taste. However I don’t really understand the world (gravity, power scale etc).

Really? It does have a frame limiter, not sure why it’s doing that to you. Oh and I probably should have included that R resets the level.

I slowed it down a bit more and added in a result screen (I think that’s what you mean by too fast). I also tested it on a different computer and it ran fine. Might have been a bug in my frame limiter first time around :slight_smile:

Your game runs fine on my computer, using Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, under Windows 7. Interesting take on the snooker and golf games. It would be cool if it was possible to play it using only the mouse.

Thanks! :slight_smile: Glad to see it’s turning out well.

I think that I will change the enter and r keys to mouse buttons instead. It would be nice not to have to use the keyboard. All that’s left now is to finish making the levels I guess and fixing any more bugs I find.