Bot Escape

I’ve spent the last few months working on a project to learn about box2D and use a usb controller for input, and accidentally ended up with a 2D platformer about a robot in search of a door. I’d like to hear what other’s think of it’s potential.

download desktop version here


Try a usb controller!

Keyboard defaults are:
‘a’ left
‘d’ right
‘w’ jump
‘e’ shoot missile
Keyboard controls can be customized under the options menu.

and ‘esc’ exits the level immediately.

Since I have no practice at designing platformer levels the random mazes are probably going to be more interesting than the designed levels.
If I get ambitious I’ll try designing some better levels. Also there’s a known issue where the player sometimes catches on horizontal surfaces in the generated mazes. If this happens jump to unstick yourself.

A fun thing to try: turn on unlimited ammo (options menu), start level 2, jump as high as possible, face the wall, and shoot a missile.

Any feedback is appreciated.