
You all rock! This 4K thing has made me enthousiastic to try something of my own.

I’m not nearly as good as you all out there but I’m in the process of learning. Also english isn’t
my native language so please forgive my spelling!

I tried to make a CLIENT/SERVER entry and the cost of that code didn’t leave me room for nice
graphics. I don’t even want to compete with the beauties that I already have seen!

Hopefully the gameplay will make up for what I’m lacking in the graphics area. Because it is a
client/server game you might end up playing to yourself which is of course not as pleasant as if
someone else happens to be online!

The game uses port 443 on my server so hopefully you all are able to get that through your
firewalls. But I’m guessing that this port will be available to most of you!

I’ve learned a lot from this. My findings are on the game-page. BOMBNET4K

Please feel free to send me comments and critiques.
Hopefully I’m able to implement things in the remaining 8 bytes :wink:
But probably someone can tell me how to save even more bytes!!!

Best regards,


First game:

Link didnt work for me, timeout error. :-/

I managed to get it to play (in applet form) but couldn’t work out what I was supposed to do. Placing bombs on the grid didn’t want to work… or at least I couldn’t tell what was going on…

It looks like its could be a clever game tho! I really would like to work out how to play.


the link timed out for me as well

Server has gone down.:frowning:

I can investigate on Wednesday but for the time being you can download from this URL:

Sorry for the inconvenience!

And sorry KevGlass that it didn’t work for you.
In the score-line there is a characer ‘like A,B,C’ at the end. That indicates which player you are. Click on the character on the board and click next to it to move to that direction. You can only move one step at the time. If you manage to move the character you can click on the bomb (*) object on your lefthand side to drop bombs.


Server back up.

Nothing interested in the logs but I’ll monitor to see if the java server process is getting strange requests which could cause havoc.

Good luck trying :wink:


hmmm I read the instructions and can’t figure out how to play. I click everything and nothing happens :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I need to check on the instructions… Sorry!
My guess is that I ‘saw’ you just now. You were assigned the character ‘G’. You have to move your characters by first clicking on the G and then one grid next to it. Maybe I will remove the second object so you only have one object to play with. I’ll investigate the game play a bit more.
Thanks for the feedback!

Regards from


Ok, I got my character to move and drop bombs, but I’m unsure what I’m supposed to do beyond that?

Looks intresting, but…
I’ve little idea what I’m doing, some docs would be good :slight_smile:
The refresh is bad.
I’ve no idea if my clicks are being ignored, stored until the next tick, sent to the server… Some feed back would be good (change the background of the box you have just clicked in for example).
Time out user (or maybe they do).

Mlk (was M now O, still confused ;D )


Thanks a lot for your comments. It is greatly appreciated. Let me see what I can change.
First I had no indication other than a score-line representation for the player.

Mahlokan reported such a situation so I changed to using a color so that the user would have a better understanding which object to move.

Good points MLK.

Let me see if I can change the colors of the grid after you have clicked. Indeed the move will only be happening on the server so there is a delay.
Formerly I had a timebar to indicate that but it was taking more bytes than I could afford :frowning:
Maybe I can drop the score all together to get a bit more bytes back for this.

Oh and Virum, you are supposed to have fun :wink:
But asside that you could capture the flag ($) or you
could attack the other players.
It is a client/server game so the ‘fun’ should be in getting to the flag first or to wipe everybody of the board.

Thanks and I’m back to the drawing board.



Another version is available at

I removed the characters and made some kind of
puppets :-[

Tell me what you think of the changes. I like to know
if the changes help you in understanding how it works.

In case the server is going down again (I had a notice from my provider … shht don’t tell them) you can still download the new version on a non-dedicated machine:

Thanks for any feedback that you might have.

For instance I read somewhere that there is a smaller way to setColor. I think Abuse mentioned this but I can’t get it to work. I now use setColor(Color.)



Much better, I now see what is going on.