Blur and smudge tools

Are there any implementations of a blur and smudge tool (like the ones in photoshop) for Java?

(I don’t want to blur whole images)

Judging from the effects I see, I would say that there is support for such things in OpenGL. You can then save the image with ImageIO I believe.

Through just Java2D :\

I know this probably will of little help, but I’m sure there is - I just don’t know the technique. :emo:
The reason for me saying so, is that i played a game once on Java4k, and it had some smudge effect of blue and white in the water. It is a game about driving aligators over in a boat. Perhaps you can look in the source for it? :slight_smile:
Hope to be a little helpful here.

smudge effects generated in real time?

EDIT: is this it?

It’s not open source and the thread for it was


Oh well, it’s unlicensed, I’m just gonna take a peek at the source code :wink:

EDIT2: Actually I found a pretty good implementation of smudge, now I’ll have to do blur when I’m done

Could you be a bit more specific? How are you going to define the area you want to blur? What kind of blur do you want? How do you want edges to be handled? What performance constraints do you have? There are a few people here who could write the code you want, but unless you write a proper spec there’s no way of telling how motivated they are…

well don’t worry about it, I found an implementation of smudging online and I wrote my own algorithm for blurring so no problems anymore :slight_smile: