
I originally started making this project to test out the Box2D Lights extension and ended up sticking on it to make a full game.

It uses the Libgdx Framework with Box2D and Box2D lights.


The jar can be downloaded from


[td]Mouse Left/Right[/td]
[td]Pad Left/Right[/td]
[td]Left Click[/td]
[td]Right Click[/td]

Debug Controls:

[td]Box2D Renderer[/td]
[td]Add Brick[/td]
[td]Kill 50% of Bricks[/td]

I think there’s a problem with the download page. I’m getting a “Page not Found” error when I click the link to download the JAR.

Yeah same here. The link you have here goes to another website and it works but the next link to the download doesn’t work.

Download link has been fixed

Wow, 40MB Download.

Here some critics:
-> The Ball does not bounce in a different direction depending on where it hit the paddle -> the player is just reacting, cant control much, its mostly about catching things that fall down.
-> You should add a stronger light emitter to the balls, they are too small and hard to spot when everything is blinking and moving.
-> elements are too small in general for the screen. try boosting their relative size
-> The paddle movement does not respond immediately, try making it controlled directly by the mouse-pointer-position, without acceleration.

Hi thanks for your input.

[quote]-> The Ball does not bounce in a different direction depending on where it hit the paddle -> the player is just reacting, cant control much, its mostly about catching things that fall down.
I have updated the pad from a plain rectangle to an convex polygon with a curved top. This should increase the control for the user :slight_smile: (still needs some adjustment)

That’s a good idea. I will add this in the next update.

[quote]-> elements are too small in general for the screen. try boosting their relative size
Do you mean things like bricks and balls are too small for 1024x786. I currently do all my testing on 1920x1080.

I use a small amount lerping on the paddle to increase difficulty. I could remove this and increase the ball speed to make it more challenging as I think it’s too easy at the moment.

As for the 40MB download 28MB of that is music :confused:

Nicely done, no major bug for me, maybe some explanation on controls on start could help player