hello guys, i was wondering is there a way to do the blending modes? (add, multiply, screen, overlay…), i know that are some request to implement this on the new version of the JVM , i found some code to do it, but i doesnt work fine for me, tooo slow , and hard to handle
You can do some of it with Graphics2D.setComposite() and AlphaComposite. However, it seems to be pretty slow to render on 1.5/6. Maybe I just need an update though.
Should be fully hw accelerated since 6u10 on windows (with decent video board).
I shouldn’t need a system property any more either should I. It’s wierd, I’m using an AlphaComposite.DST_IN and as soon as I do I see a big performance hit. I’m using a NV7600 and doing the same in raw GL is pretty swift. (I’ve now updated to 1.6_12).
I’ll try and get a test case together.
No, you shouldn’t need to set any properties.
Try setting J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 env. variable in the console, see what it prints out.
Also, run with -Dsun.java2d.trace=log to see what primitives are used with your test.