[ As i always say: Blender is even hard to learn for experienced artist, but is so well documented, that with patiente, and time, you end up learning it, only if you go doing things with online documentation open while you work and go step by step since beguining, reading doc and doing stuff. Also, key shortcuts are quite important in blender. Doing all this is how I -more or less- learnt. I recomend downloading last 2.32 Blender, quite good, python 2.2.3 , for the plugins, and reading the online documentation since beguining to end, at blender.org ]
plugin links to export in a java xml format or something (I’m not a programmer) , and another to export in Flash swf format.
and blender to flash (1.2 version)
that is the direct link from the forums, sometimes this people doesn’t update their sites as quick as a quick update in the forums, but anyway, the website to track it for future versions :
The nice thing is as Blender has toon render (indeed, Blender is so advanced…) , you’ll see in that site toon movies, but imho those exaples could have been polished much more.