Blackspirit Graphics 2.0 Beta 3 released

A new version of Blackspirit Graphics has been released, now including all the 2.0 features and bugfixes.
2 Demos have been added to the website (Particle System, Image Capturing) and the forum is online now.
The project is now open source and available on


Blackspirit Graphics is a 2D Java graphics library designed for games, providing a powerful but simple interface.
The intention is to allow users to quickly start with 2D graphics while still giving them lots of possibilities and less
details to worry about.
It is suited for real-time applications, but also integratable into graphical user interfaces.
The implementation provided is using JOGL for its rendering to provide operating system independency and
hardware acceleration.

Besides simple drawing operations (points, lines, triangles, images, text) some more advanced features are
available like texturing and coloring triangles, shapes, animation and some helpful utilities (to create shapes for example).

Are there any screenshots / Applets / Java Webstart for the project?

Do you plan to use Java Media Component in your library for the video playback? (cf. JavaFX)

I didn’t have time too look at it in detail, but if it turns out to do the job I will of course use it.
Basically you could use anything giving you access to the videos frame data to render with Blackspirit Graphics.

The current solution using fobs and jmf has some problems and I don’t think there is currently anything better.
I hope they sort it out with JMC and finally give us good solution for video in Java!