
Hi everybody,

I posted my game called Blackhaw4k a couple of hours ago, hope you’ll like it!

It was close, I almost couldn’t finish it in time. I started in the beginning of February and up to today I was a way beyond 4k. Truly an optimizing nightmare. :smiley: The game never appeared in the list so I hope everything is fine. ::slight_smile:

For that reason, I can’t post a link to the game here. And sorry for a very short description of the game - I thought I would get a chance to edit it later. As of now, the game is still not in the list and I don’t know if I will be able to edit the text once the competition is closed.


Ok, the link to the game is here 8)

I even have a spelling error in the description :-[ I guess long night-shift work without a good sleep is to blame. Do you know if I can update the description and still be in the competition?

Great game, thoroughly enjoyed it.


Cool Blur effect, It’s quite enjoyable too :wink:

The blur effect really works well, it plays nicely too.