This seems like it must be one of the most basic things people working with Cg shaders in GL would need to do, but I can’t quite seem to get to the bottom of it right now.
My current state is that I’m struggling to get a suitable int to use as a program handle for glBindVertexAttribute… I understand from cgGLGetProgramID documentation that it
[quote]Returns 0 for profiles that do not have OpenGL programs (e.g. fp20).
which appears to be what’s happening to me; although even specifying arbvp1 for my vertex profile doesn’t seem to help - no errors detected, but still 0. In any case, I don’t understand what else one is supposed to do when using those profiles that return 0… am I missing something from CgGL? Calling cgGLSetParameter* seems to entail rendering in immediate mode, which is not on the agenda…