Hi hi,
I’m Nicke and I’m working on a game I titled Beyond the Core (for now). I started a little over a month ago, coding whenever i get time left over from uni. I am using LWJGL and Slick. It’s gonna be a sandboxy top down rpg shooter - originally planned to be multiplay, but that’s pretty low priority atmo.
-You can try it out here!
2011-12-31 - Update!
Say Hello to “Splash.” and “cavern.ogg”.
Added splash and menu gamestates with transitions even though it’s content is a bit lacking at the moment.
Added cavern ambience (just to give it a try - i know theres a clip in the sound, I’ll fix that “later”).
Edit: Right, and because someone had project planning/lacking knowledge (points at past self through spacetime): Currently, if you start the game then exit to menu and press start again alot of variables gets horribly missplaced and you end up with multiple entities (player etc) and no light, awesome - TODO: clean up this mess!
Continued: removed all the static-mess from GameState, should suffice for now and i’m late for the New Years party (wait, this isn’t twitter). Happy New Years!
Goal: Journey to the core of earth and fight mythical and mystical monsters to finally proceed through the core and ???..
Here is a Youtube-clip of the game’s latest stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLq4WSBeGE4 (Updating this soon when abilities and userinterface is fully functional). Theres now a link to try the game in its current state at the top.
(Planned) Gameplay:
- The player will start in a dark cave, possibly a tutorial snowlevel with the cave as entry point where the player starts with minimal equipment.
- Each level will be completed by simply finding the entry to the next lower cave level - it’ll be up to the player to decide if you’re prepared for it or not (possibly unlocked by killing a boss monster but preferably not).
- You gain stats when you level by killing monsters, monsters drop useful stuff and you’re not limited by character level to use them.
- Gear: there’ll only be equipable headgear and chest - these will contribute to stats. The player should be encouraged to pick stats that suits playstyle.
- Weapons will be of magical nature bound to items, and the player will be able to use 3 abilities at the time, gameplay will encourage (by cooldown) the use of 1 spammy ability and 2 more situational. In addition i plan on making items that you can “chain” to each ability that will modify them, e.g. fire 2 missiles instead of 1 but at 50% effect, good items will not punish use as much or not at all.
That’s all i can think of for now and I’m writing this as much for you as for myself (maby more for myself ;D).
Thoughts and Ideas much appreciated!
2011-12-29: Long-time-no-update. BUT! You can now see what it’s currently like here!. There is currently no real gameplay, but feel free to move around and explore for now. There are tons of things to add and improve on this project, I just wanted to upload what i have for now over Christmas holidays I havent tried it out on any platform but windows so far.
Other than that, since last i believe i started on the UI added items with abilities and icons. I also added the ledge around the Map to restrict movement rather than having some kind of indestructable wall around it - the current version is compiled with a specific map-seed because of the nice starting area, next up todo is add some kind of starting platform that will make it so you don’t spawn in stone or mid-air by accident and additionally add map-features to make it more interesting.
2011-12-08: Added items tied to abilities and an interface to select abilities.