Hey all and thanks for the great replies!
@komadori: Glad to hear it works on your system aswell. I’ll edit the first post to reflect this
It seems i forgot to remove a single line of code making it skip stage 1, which i used for testing. I should have checked that out before i uploaded it to the webpage. It should be fixed now though. Thinks for noticing
A lot of people seem to like or dislike the arrows a lot. I think the problem is, like you said, that they resemble the enemies too much. I don’t know how to change it right now, but i’ll try to come up with something.
I totaly agree about the problem with enemy color being the same as the one for your ship. I’ll probably try to change your color to blue, so it looks the same as the turrets you get in stage 2.
It seems people enjoy playing the game over and over to get better upgrades, so i think i’ll stay with the wrapping of the game, perhaps making the game increase in difficulty each run. What would you prefer, single play through or the possibility of playing through multiple/infinite times?
I was planning to either explain what picking the same upgrade multiple times does or removing the upgrade after being picked. I have yet to do either, and i see the problem. I think i’ll add the description, and then i might remove the upgrade later, in case i get a lot of other upgrades
I can’t do much about the problems with holding down keys as you leave the window, as i’m using awt and swing. In case you know of a solution, i’ll be very happy to learn of it
@irreversible_kev: Good to hear that you likethe vector graphics style. I like it alot aswell. I have however had comments about the mixing of styles being a problem, so i’d like to know what you feel about that aswell
@kingaschi: Aight, i’ll try to improve with the ships representation. I have a different model that looked horrible with the gun, but otherwise pretty cool. I might change to that and remove the gun from the ship. Thanks for commenting on it though
@CommanderKeith: I tend to think that the keychoosing is only beneficial, as it displays the keys while letting you choose them. I always choose WASD for movement in a game like this, although i know my friend prefers ESDF. But on the other hand, the menu shouldn’t be confusing, so if it was, let me know and i’ll look into it
I’ll look into increasing the bullet speed and decreasing delay between each bullet as you suggested. You are probably right
Again, thanks a bunch for all the comments and suggestions. I’ve got a lot of things to work on now.
You all seem to like it alot, which makes it worth continuing to work on