Best Java Image Manipulation API

Instead of programming day and night, I do sometimes get distracted by things like astronomy. There are some great freeware programs to manipulate astrophotographs, but I would like to make a few simple utilities myself.

I would need to do pixel-level operations of TIFF images. What are my options? Java Advanced Imaging?

Well, I found this:

It runs, which is more than I can say for JAI!

Two I know of that might be useful to you -

JHLabs filters -
ImageJ - /

ImageJ is used a lot for scientific image processing. Quick google found this - It is possible to use ImageJ as a library, but it might be easier to write plugins / scripts for it if you go down that route.

When I did some simple image filtering some time ago I just used the build in java2d stuff. They have some standard stuff like gausfilter and generic blockfilter and so on and with BufferedImageOp a simple Interface to implement own image operations
i.e. my filter

All the JHLabs stuff are BufferedImageOp’s.

ImageJ is seriously floating my boat! This is exactly what I was looking for! And it supports FITS files. Thanks!