! that is a little unexpected… i would have thought mine would have much more over head.
When I have to deal with algorithms I normally take a look at this page at wikipedia:
The Big 0 notation gives a good overview of the quality of the algorithms and the descriptions are detailed enough to pick the right one.
yep the wiki site is very informative! i had researched there before asking here. all of the sorting algs there are aimed at highly random data. this not the case for my situation unfortunetly…
Riven, while i was unable to get the code you provided to compile, i think i was able to follow your logic and have implemented a sort based on that code.
However it does not seem to improve upon the Runsort.
Perhaps i have implemented your ideas incorrectly? would you be able to take a look?
here is my code:
public static void InOrderSort(Comparable a[], int start,int end,Comparator comparator,Comparable temp1[], Comparable temp2[])
Comparable prev=temp1[0]=a[start];
int LIMIT=Math.max(10,(end-start)/5);
Comparable curr;
int inOrderArraySize=1;
int outOfOrderArraySize=0;
int runOneStartIndex=start+1;
int runOneSize=0;
// Populate the in order and out of order arrays
for (int i=start+1;i<end;i++)
// if out of order...
if (comparator.compare(curr,prev)<0)
// add the previous run of in order elements into the in order array
// update the related variables
// add the the out of order element into the out of order array
// check to see if the out of order array is too large. This is indictive of a pathological
// condition where the first element is much larger than the rest of the elements and so
// use the Runsort.sort instead.
if (outOfOrderArraySize>LIMIT)
// else we are in order...
// update the in order run length
// update the previous in order element
// Sort the out of order array
// check to see if the input array is already sorted...
if (outOfOrderArraySize==0) return;
// if the last element was not added to the out of order array then we need to finish populating the
// in order array
if (runOneSize>0)
// we need to sort the outOfOrderArray if there are more than one element in the array.
if (outOfOrderArraySize>1)
// Re-populate the input array with the sorted elements
// the current index into the input array to place the next sorted element
int index=start;
// the current indecies into the in order and sorted out of order arrays
int j=0,k=0;
// re-populate the input array with sorted elements
while (index<end && outOfOrderArraySize>0 && inOrderArraySize>0)
// if "first" element in the in order array is smallest...
if (comparator.compare(curr,prev)<0)
// update the next "first" element in the in order array
// update the coutn of in order elements left
// update the current in order run length
// else the "first" element in the out of order array is smallest...
// copy the previous run of in order elements into the input array
// update the current index into the input array
// update the run's variables
// copy the element out of the out of order array into the input array
// update the next "first" element in the out of order array
// update the count of out of order elements left
// if there is a run of in order elements still to be copied into the input array ...
if (runOneSize>0)
// copy the previous run of in order elements into the input array
// we have no left over elements and so return
if (index==end) return;
// if we have left over sorted out of order elements and we directly copy the elements into the
// input array.
if (inOrderArraySize==0)
// else we have left over in order elements and so we directly copy the elements into the
// input array.
Actually i do see an improvement when i compile the test into a native windows executable using gcj.
Interestingly enough the time taken for the InOrderSort is very similar between data sets:
FILE: data_0.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2235
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2218
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 610
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_1.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2235
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2234
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 625
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 281
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_2.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2203
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2203
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 610
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 187
FILE: data_3.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2313
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2296
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 657
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 375
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_4.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2234
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2219
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 625
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 234
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_5.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2297
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2812
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 782
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 296
Utilities.InOrderSort() 204
FILE: data_6.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2203
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2328
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 657
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 218
Utilities.InOrderSort() 204
FILE: data_7.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2515
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 719
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 219
Utilities.InOrderSort() 265
FILE: data_8.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2672
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2813
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 875
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 234
Utilities.InOrderSort() 250
FILE: data_9.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2594
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2640
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 625
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 204
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_10.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2187
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2219
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 609
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_11.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2375
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2469
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 656
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 391
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_12.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2297
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2218
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 610
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 187
Utilities.InOrderSort() 313
FILE: data_13.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2360
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2390
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 625
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 219
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_14.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2172
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2344
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 656
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_15.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2375
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2360
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 671
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 391
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_16.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2234
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2235
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 640
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 219
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_17.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2219
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 609
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_18.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2234
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2219
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 610
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 187
FILE: data_19.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2266
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2265
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 641
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 328
Utilities.InOrderSort() 187
FILE: data_20.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 641
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 328
Utilities.InOrderSort() 187
FILE: data_21.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2235
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 640
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 203
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_22.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2266
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 609
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 234
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_23.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2219
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2250
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 609
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 204
Utilities.InOrderSort() 203
FILE: data_24.txt
java.util.arrays.sort() 2172
gnu.java.util.arrays.sort() 2156
wikicompress.RunSort.sort() 625
wikicompress.RunSort.sort1() 219
Utilities.InOrderSort() 265
well, it must be more efficient as when i use this InOrderSort in my actual compression program I am able to save about 1 second in total run time when compressing a 256k sample as compared to using RunSort.
Hm, I’ll try to improve it a bit, and provide compilable sourcecode. Sorry…