Benchmark this JAR - yes, a Vangard demo!

I’ve been working on Vangard for a few months now so I’d like to see how it runs on other machines…

Get the vangard.jar from here:

The UI is on the left and its open on the debug tab by default. It tells you logic millis and render millis. Open the game and give it a few seconds to settle and let me know the logic/render millis.

Things move around very slowly at x1 speed which is more for moving round indoors (not implemented yet). Press and hold ] (right square bracket) to speed up game time and [ to slow down. The debug tab tells you what the current game speed is by the way. Game speeds of less than x1 seem to make everything stop altogether (until you go back to x1) so don’t do that! Speeding up the game should not affect logic millis, perhaps you can confirm that.

You can also zoom in and out with + and -. It would be interesting to see the render millis at maximum outzoom. I’m not too worried about the graphics speed for now because it is all Java2D placeholder stuff.

There is not much you can do in the game except move around using left right and up arrow keys for turn left, turn right and forwards respectively. When you stand next to something the debug view shows you details of the entity.