Benchmark this JAR - yes, a Vangard demo!

I’ve been working on Vangard for a few months now so I’d like to see how it runs on other machines…

Get the vangard.jar from here:

The UI is on the left and its open on the debug tab by default. It tells you logic millis and render millis. Open the game and give it a few seconds to settle and let me know the logic/render millis.

Things move around very slowly at x1 speed which is more for moving round indoors (not implemented yet). Press and hold ] (right square bracket) to speed up game time and [ to slow down. The debug tab tells you what the current game speed is by the way. Game speeds of less than x1 seem to make everything stop altogether (until you go back to x1) so don’t do that! Speeding up the game should not affect logic millis, perhaps you can confirm that.

You can also zoom in and out with + and -. It would be interesting to see the render millis at maximum outzoom. I’m not too worried about the graphics speed for now because it is all Java2D placeholder stuff.

There is not much you can do in the game except move around using left right and up arrow keys for turn left, turn right and forwards respectively. When you stand next to something the debug view shows you details of the entity.


Red face… uploaded a hopefully working version now.

Logic stays around 5ms, sometimes swaps between 4 and 5, think I saw 6 a few times too, on all speeds.

at the default zoom, it takes 2ms most of the time to render, sometimes 3ms.

fully zoomed in (75.0), it still is mostly 2ms, sometimes 1ms.

A zoom of 1.0 takes 11-12ms, it flickers between them a bit.

gtx 680 4gb


I closed it and reopened and zoomed out to 1.0 again, and its now rendering at 11-16ms, flicking between numbers in that range.

One more question: what is your screen resolution? A zoom of 1.0 mean 1 meter per pixel, so a QHD monitor is showing a bigger chunk of the world…

For all: please give: CPU, GPU, screen resolution.

1920x1080p is my screen resolution

Tried it out! (Even though I have loads of schoolwork to do right now)

Logic millis is always either 1 or 2, fully zoomed in I get 1 render millis, fully zoomed out I get around 20 render millis (screen resolution 1366x768p², CPU 2.60GHz, Intel HD Graphics 4000).

One remark: turning around seems to take a little too long. Maybe you should speed it up, and/or make it possible to very quickly turn 180° by pressing the Down key.

Also, I was disappointed by the lack of sound ::slight_smile:


AMD A4-3305M, 4GB RAM
RADEON HD 6480G + HD 7450M

=> 20ms for logic, 2 ms for rendering @ min zoom:
=> 20ms for logic, 20 ms for rendering @ max zoom:

Thanks! I know what you mean about the turning being too slow. But too fast would also be a problem. When I add moving to mouse clicks the character will just instantly face the right direction.


  • i5-4670k, overclocked to 4.2GHz
  • GTX 770
  • 1920x1080 screen resolution

Performance (by zoom)
=Z: 1

  • Logic: 6
  • Render: ~12
    =Z: 25
  • Logic: 6
  • Render: ~2
    =Z: 50
  • Logic: 6
  • Render: ~2
    =Z: 75
  • Logic: 6
  • Render: 1

I tested with various speeds and these numbers did not change. (Even at the upper bound of 10) Stalked your vanguard thread for a while now and it was pretty cool to see it in action like this. Hope the stats help. :slight_smile:

Intel C2 Quad Q9450 @ 2.66ghz
R7 250x 2GB GDDR5

Maximum outzoom
Logic : 15
Render : 15

Intel i7-3770 @3.40GHz (was turboing up to 4.11 though)
Gtx 660 2GB

Zoom 10:

  • Speed 1.0: Logic = 5, Render = 4
  • Speed 10.0: Logic = 6, Render = 4

Zoom 1:

  • Speed 1.0: Logic = 5, Render = 11
  • Speed 10.0: Logic = 6, Render = 11

Nice simulation :point:

Intel i3-4150, 3.50 GHz
GTX 750Ti
1920x1080 resolution

Zoom 75: Logic at 5-6, render at 1
Zoom 10: Logic at 5-6, occasionally 7, render at 1
Zoom 1: Logic at 7, render at 11


Fully zoomed out.

Logic millis: 57

Render millis : 80


OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel® 965Q
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.5.7
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20

Intel® Core™2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

Hi gouessej… What is that? Some kind of dual core pentium?

Appears to be this processor:

Commonly seen in pre-built Desktops from 2006-2007. I used to have one.

my laptop has both an intel and nvidia card. Strangley the render cycle was slower when using the nvidia card. I don’t think your render cycle is GPU bound, more likely CPU bound.

The other thing noticed was that you are writing a lot of debug text to the console. This will slow things down considerably,

I typically got 8ms log and 4-5 ms render at all zoom levels.

Im just using unoptimised Java2D at the moment, so I suspect the rendering is highly CPU bound. Also princec mentioned that Java2D poly rendering is never hardware accelerated.

The printlns are a bad habit. I’m good at cleaning them up but I am continually adding new ones…

They’re OK as long as you remove most of them before final release :point:

Intel I7-4510U @2.00Ghz
GeForce 820m

zoom 75.0:
logic: 9-10 ms
render: 4-5 ms
zoom 10.0:
logic: 10-11 ms
render: 5 ms
zoom: 1.0
logic: 10-11 ms
render: 20-21 ms

edit: woops, posted too soon

EtmosCode is right, it’s a Core 2 Duo bought in 2007.