I was trying to create a 4K version of BeetleMania, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to work out I could probably finish this, but not really with the quality I’d be proud of.
Though this project is probably already dead, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to post:
[]Standalone JAR [3800 bytes]
At the heart of this project was an experiment I was trying out with the source code. The game is structured so that all of the actors on screen (and their properties) are stored in just 1 single-dimension array… sort of emulating a heap. I did this to see if it would compress any better (since there would be just 1 variable). Now that I’ve tried this out, I wouldn’t really recommend it, due to these drawbacks:
[]The math needed to access the correct index for just 1 property can become a long formula
[]Java runs a bounds check every time a property is accessed/changed
[*]It’s hard to manage the current actor set, and even harder to add more actors later
I’m currently rewriting the code to use a traditional variable setup (or at least use multidimensional arrays), hopefully that will compress better.