Have anyone played the old 2d game call “battle city” on NES platform? Here I have implemented the java version of it.
As the orginal game, it supports 2 players to play simultaneously. But instead of making 2 players sharing 1 keyboard,
I decided to develop separated server and client programs for the game, so the 2 players can play on different machines.
To play the game, run the bat excutable files in both server and client folder.
Once Server player created the server, the client can join the game by erntering server player’s ip address.
If you only want to play by yourself, run both server and client program in the same machine, connect to the server with
an empty ip string, then minimize either client or server program.
You can find all the other information you need by clicking the help button during game.
you can grab the game from here:
(you might need to right click the link and choose “save target as”)