Battery 1.05 - 2D Top Scroller

4 refactored levels and new one.
Low ammo notification.
Wrong screen after early death bug was fixed.
Tank way of acting was changed.
It’s animated when it shoots.
Advanced loading screen.
Animated Water.
Another view of Heli’s blades.

Ok, it’s a pretty cool game.

I kept running out of ammo at first though. It would be nice if the ammo thingies filled you up faster. Or even if there were one at the start of the second level.

What are those hexagon things that the enemies drop and I collect? At first, I thought they were ammo.

It’s not clear exactly that the pluses are health and that the ammo things are ammo things. And I have no idea what the hexagon things are for.

The level with the water makes it kind of hard to see your plane.

I had to crash into the walls several times before I realized you aren’t supposed to crash into them. After all, it’s a plane. Can’t you just fly over them?

Hexagons are diamonds. The more diamonds you will collect the higher in the rank table you will be.
I can’t fly over them. Can you? Huh. Thanks for comment.

Strangely sluggish controls, like, really really slow - is it meant to be like that?

Cas :slight_smile:

I tested different speeds. I have stats. Seems this is optimal.

agreed, ship needs to be much faster otherwise it just doesn’t feel or play that good.

What I meant is that a plane should be able to fly over walls. Since all that happens when crash into one is that your plane changes colors, it took me a minute to figure out what was happening.

If shadows were cast by the walls, perhaps it would make it clear that you can’t fly over them.

I’m curious to know what you mean by this. It certainly felt slow to me.


I guess I will make camera speed depending on the speed of plane. How would you like this?

Can only say ditto on both the controls feel to slow, I feel like I’m flying a whale not a plane and I did just assume that a plane could fly over walls - confusing :slight_smile:

That said, it looks like a great start. I like the music, the graphics style is suitably consistently retro. Whats with the the grey background to the plane sprite?

I got one of these when I quit tho:

	at m.b.core.Keyboard77.stop(
	at m.b.Battery.stop(
	at Source)
	at Source)

Good work, looking forward to seeing more :slight_smile:


When you quit this exception is ok. Do you want to do something for the game for fun? E.g. join Battery team?

What is happening? Your website seems to be down. Have you removed your game from it???