Bang Howdy

Not to steal anyones thunder, but just saw that penny-arcade linked to - a jme/lwjgl based game, which is now open beta. Just tried it for 5 minutes and was pretty fun - looks slick too!!

Go play here.

I haven’t played the game yet ( that sort of thing doesn’t go over well at work for some reason ::slight_smile: ), but I think a lot of lessons can be learned from the presentation of the site.

From the page layouts ( colors, graphics, font, etc ) to the actual text the presentation of the site is right in line with the game itself. As soon as you start to read the info ( like this: “Howdy pardner! Thanks fer moseyin’ on over to check out our mighty fine game. Have a gander at these here excitin’ features”: ) you are drawn into the campy western mood. Even the system requirements are presented with flavor.

i’ve seen more than just a few games linked off from here that have good information, screenshots, etc on thier site but do little to try to make the site 'part of the game". This is one of those extra levels of detail that can make you stand out and encourage someone to give your game a chance.