Background window painting bug

When JOGL is running in a window which exactly matches the size of the screen (not fullscreen exclusive, just a full-size window) it does not repaint when it is not the foreground window. Making the window a different size (even making it one pixel bigger than the screen) solves the problem.

I believe this behavior started when I upgraded from JDK 1.4.2 to 1.6, and is present in 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 RC3.

The problem exists on Windows XP, but not OS X 10.4.

Is this a known defect? Is there a better workaround than just making the JOGL window slightly the wrong size?


Not a known problem. Please file a bug with the JOGL Issue Tracker and provide a test case. This sounds like a driver bug to me. There’s no logic in JOGL dealing with window and screen sizes.

OK. Just filed a bug report. I’ll do a test case now.

I’ve uploaded a Test case. In creating the case, I discovered that this bug only occurs if antialiasing is turned on. So I think you’re probably right that this is a driver bug.

In this case I suggest you report the bug to NVidia on their developer web site.