Now I need to add user input (finally!) to my game, but I’m stuck trying to figure out exactly how much of JInput I actually need.
I’m going to need keyboard, mouse and joypad input eventually, but for now I only really need the keyboard (and possibly joypad to test how it works). Now since I’m using Jogl for my games display attaching a regular old KeyListener is a minimum amount of hastle and something that I know will reliably work. A few classes to handle the incomming up & down events into a set of boolean isPressed flags and I’m all set.
Obviously for joypad support I’m going to need JInput, and for the existing editor input I’m already using AWT mouse events, so I’m going to end up with both anyway.
But would JInput keyboard support gain me anything? I see it has the .isKeyPressed() written for me. While this is handy, I already have something that does this (and makes it easy to remap controls in the process). In switching to keyboard JInput, am i loosing compatability with any platforms?
Ooo, I also see a Rumbler interface, does this actually work? Would be nice to get feedback though my pad ;D